If you want to include a squeeze page to your website or blog to help you build a big list of active subscribers, you may be in the market for a free squeeze page. If so, keep reading so you know what you should be looking for.
There are many places where you can get a free squeeze page template. Usually these will require some simple to do editing to make them unique to your niche and your offer.
In order to edit some of these templates you may want to download a free HTML editor. These are easy to use, they are basically like a word processor and you can quickly and easily make whatever changes you want with an easy to use "What You See Is What You Get" format.
That is the easy part, the slightly more challenging part will be to design a squeeze page that helps your visitors do what you want them to do which is sign up to your list.
The design of your squeeze page is not the only thing that will encourage your visitors to sign up. You will also need a quality freebie to offer them.
I know, the words "quality" and "freebie" don't seem to go together, but they can. You see as an enticement to get them to sign up one tried and true method is to offer your visitor a report or ebook.
What should this report or ebook be about? That is easy; find some sort of common challenge or problem associated with your niche and write a report that offers an easy solution to that problem.
Provide some real, helpful information and people will be much more likely to sign up because they will really want that help.
Once you have your freebie put together, you can start building your squeeze page.
There are some elements you will want to include:
1. A strong headline that underscores the benefits of your freebie.
2. Some bullet points that go into a little more detail about the benefits of your freebie without giving too much away. After all, if you give them all the information, they won't need to sign up to receive the free report.
3. An optin box (this can easily be gotten directly from your auto responder service) with a strong call to action and a strong anti spam warning.
A call to action is the part of your optin form that tells them what to do: sign up now to get your free report.
Make your call to action strong. Don't assume people will know what they are supposed to do.
For the most part, people don't like to have to make decisions so you want to design your squeeze page so that you guide your visitor to the desired action.
Finding a free squeeze page online is not the problem.
Editing the squeeze page is not the problem. The real challenge comes when creating your freebie and knowing just what elements to include in your squeeze page. Though, that isn't a challenge anymore now since you've read this article!